Say "Hello" To The World's First NO APP 'Instant' Video Call

Meet ROCKET Call

We Make Your Life Better...

  No C.C. Required. No Obligation. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

 Say "Goodbye" To Hard To Connect Video Calls

Simple. Secure. Smart.

Simple - Connect In An Instant With Zero Tech 
Skills Required

 Secure - End-to-End Encryption Means All Your Video Calls Are Safe And Private

Smart - Engage Face to Face On A Video Call In Real Time From Any Device

Virtual Conferences 

Video Calls 


Record Your Meetings

Safe, Private, and Secure 

 Revenue Sharing Plan

  No C.C. Required. No Obligation. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

One Click To Connect- Instant, Secure!
Finally, A Video Call That's Simple To Join...

Finally, A Video Call That's Simple To Connect...

It's A Fact: 

 Many People Are Missing Out And 
Feeling Left Behind In The New Digital Age...

Until Now...

ROCKET Call Is your brand new NO APP 'Instant' video 
call solution to quickly and easily get together 
in real-time... On virtually any device!

"Our Mission Every Day Is To Provide A Simple To Connect 'INSTANT' Video Call  Without requiring
an App  To Help You Humanize Your Communication In The Digital Age. 
-The Rocket Call Team 

Want To Hear What Others Have To Say About ROCKET Call? 

Here You Go...

"I was immediately impressed with how easy it was to join a Rocket Call. I simply opened a text message and with just a single click I was able to join the video call. No app to download, password to find, or tech hassles to deal with. The video and audio quality were great... 
A real business booster- Love It!"
-Sonja S.
Lady Boss, Nutritionist, 
Team Leader, and Top Earner
"I was shocked at how fast and easy it was to hop on a Rocket Call my very first time. We both could share our screens during the video call and I found it super easy to use. We even recorded a portion of the call demonstrating how to keep score in pickelball so I could use the recording later to help my 
students.-I'm totally onboard!"  
-Patrick C.
Pickleball Pro and Entrepreneur
"I was excited to get on a Rocket Call for the first time after being invited by Coach Jeff.  It was great to be one of the very first ones to experience the Rocket Call software. It's going to be  fun to witness the beginning of something that's going to make such 
a massive and positive impact in the video communication industry." 
Software Owner/ Entrepreneur

  No C.C. Required. No Obligation. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

Say 'Hello' To The World's First NO APP "Instant" Video Call 

Meet ROCKET Call

Giving You A Simpler, Faster, And Better Way To Connect(And Earn) 
Is What We Do Best

 Welcome To Your Simple 
One-Click "Instant" Video Call

  No C.C. Required.  No Contracts. 

Simple. Secure. Smart.

Simple - Connect In An Instant With 
Zero Tech Skills Required

 Secure - End-to-End Encryption Means All Your Video Calls Are Safe 

Smart - Engage Face to Face On A Video Call In Real Time From Any Device

Say Goodbye To Hard To 
Join Video Calls

Some Cool Features...

Virtual Conferences 

On-The-Go Video Calls 

Screen Sharing

Record Your Meetings

Safe, Private, and Secure 

 Revenue Sharing Plan

One Click To Connect- Instant, Secure!

Finally, A Video Call That's Simple To Connect...

The Good News Is That's 
Just Half The Story...

Because Rocket Call Also 
Makes It Simple To Earn...

If you're entrepreneurial-minded...

Rocket Call Gives You A System 
And A 3-Step Game Plan to Grow 
Your Passive Income Online 

Become a VIP Pro Partner and 
implement a simple three-step 
game plan using our done-for-you 
online system to generate a new  
recurring revenue stream by capitalizing 
on three skyrocketing trends.

1. Sign Up

2. Refer

3. Get Paid

Trying To Make Money 
Online Is Overwhelming

If you don't have a proven system and a simple game plan...

  • You won't even know what to do first to get started on the right foot
  • You waste time and money chasing after shiny objects that don't work
  • You guess vs using a proven system and following a simple process

And that leads to sleepless nights 
and feeling constantly overwhelmed. 
We don’t want that for you. 
The VIP Pro Plan is a brand new 
all-in-one platform designed to give thousands of hopeful entrepreneurs 
a done-for-you system and
a three-step game plan for growing 
their recurring revenue. 
Our VIP Pro Plan will work for you too.

Discover How To Tap Into Three Profitable Yet Hidden Trends 
With The VIP Pro Plan 

We show you how to get your slice 
from three skyrocketing trends 
(including the massive boom in  
video communications) 
before the masses catch on!
Ready to see how this can 
work for you? 

It's A Fact: 

 Many People Are Missing Out 
And Feeling Left Behind In The 
New Digital Age...

Until Now...

ROCKET Call Is Your Brand New NO APP instant video call solution to quickly and easily get together in real-time...
On virtually any device!

"Our Mission Every Day Is To Provide A Simple To Connect 'Instant' Video Call... Without requiring and APP, 
To Help You Humanize Your Communication In The Digital Age. 
-The Rocket Call Team 

Want To Hear What Others Have 
To Say About ROCKET Call? 

Here You Go...

"I was immediately impressed with how easy it was to join a Rocket Call. I simply opened a text message and with just a single click I was able to join the video call. No app to download, password 
to find, or tech hassles to deal with. 
The video and audio  
quality were great... 
A real business booster- Love It!"
-Sonja S.
Lady Boss, Nutritionist, 
Team Leader, and Top Earner
"I was shocked at how fast and easy it was to hop on a Rocket Call my very first time. We both could share our screens during the video call and I found it super easy to use. We even recorded a portion of the call demonstrating how to 
keep score in pickelball so I could 
use the recording later to help my 
students.-I'm totally onboard!"  
-Patrick C.
Pickleball Pro and Entrepreneur
"I was excited to get on a Rocket Call for the first time after being invited by Coach Jeff.  It was great to be one of 
the very first ones to experience the Rocket Call software. It's going to be 
fun to witness the beginning of something that's going to make such 
a massive and positive impact in 
the video communication industry." 
Software Owner/ Entrepreneur

  No C.C. Required. No Contracts. 
Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

So, the first question 
people always ask us is...

What's A ROCKET Call?...

And, What Exactly Is The 
Difference Between ROCKET Call 
And All The Other Video  
Conferencing Platforms?

Here's What Makes 
Stand Apart From The Rest

 ROCKET Call Is Faster

The Rocket Call software instantly sends personalized invite links via text or email to your guest(s)on any device, offering them the fastest and easiest way to connect virtually on the planet. You choose: Meet Now or Schedule Your Call for later!

 ROCKET Call Is Simpler

Easily host or join a browser-based video call or virtual meeting from any computer or mobile device. NO APPS to download, nothing to install. Hassle and stress-free for everyone. 
(Even low-tech users.)  ​

 ROCKET Call Is Smarter

Rocket Call works on virtually any device and our simple dashboard let's you easily share, record your screen, and switch view on mobile so that everyone can enjoy live video, images, presentations...
and much, much more!

ROCKET Call Is More Secure

You can trust your Rocket Calls to be safe because our technology is built with enterprise-grade security and end-to-end encryption giving you peace of mind on all your Rocket Calls.

  No C.C.  No Contracts. 
Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

So, the first question people always ask us is...

What's A ROCKET Call?...

And, What Exactly Is The Difference Between ROCKET Call And 
All The Other Video Conferencing Platforms?

Here's What Makes ROCKET Call 
Stand Apart From The Rest:

 ROCKET Call Is Faster

The Rocket Call software instantly sends personalized invite links via text or email to your guest(s)on any device, offering them the fastest and easiest way to connect virtually on the planet. You choose: Meet Now or Schedule Your Call 
for later!

 ROCKET Call Is Simpler

Easily host or join a browser-based video call or virtual meeting from any computer or mobile device. NO APPS to download, nothing to install. 
No tech hassles and stress-free for everyone... 
(Even low-tech users.)  ​

 ROCKET Call Is Smarter

Rocket Call works on virtually any device and our simple dashboard let's you easily share, record your screen, and switch view on mobile so that everyone can enjoy live video, images, presentations...and much more!

 ROCKET Call Is More Secure

You can trust your Rocket Calls to be safe because our technology is built with enterprise-grade security and end-to-end encryption giving you peace of mind on all your Rocket Calls.

  No C.C. Required. No Obligation. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

We Get It...

Video Calls Can Be Maddening For Many...

So, which of these is the most frustrating for you...?

Getting everyone on 
the call in time? 

Dealing with the 
tech hassles? 

Leaving money 
on the table?

If you're like a lot of people who use video communication for work, personal, or business reasons then you know how 
tough it can be to get everyone on a video call or virtual conference in real-time.

Seems like every time you try to start or join a video call, you just end up getting another 'tech hoop' to jump through. 
It's frustrating.
It's time-consuming.
It's stressful for both you and your guest(s). 

And if you're a sales pro, coach, entrepreneur, or business owner it's costing you sales, happy customers, AND money!

We Get It...

Video Calls Can Be Maddening For Many...

So, which of these is the 
most frustrating for you...?

Struggling to get everyone 
on the call in time? 

If you're like a lot of people who use video communication for work, personal, or business reasons then you know how tough it can be to get everyone on a video call or virtual conference in real-time.

Dealing with the tech hassles? 

Seems like every time you try to 
start or join a video call, you just 
end up getting another 'tech hoop' to jump through. 
It's frustrating.
It's time-consuming.
It's stressful for both you and your guest(s). 

Leaving money on the table?

And if you're a sales pro, coach, entrepreneur, or business owner it's costing you sales, happy customers, AND money!...

That's Why We Created ROCKET Call

The ROCKET Call Powerful, Yet 
Simple To Connect"  IRIS Technology Allows You To:

  • Achieve greater connection quickly and easily with anyone without requiring an app download.
  • Build stronger bonds through authentic human engagement.
  • Develop more of the "know, like, and trust" factor through genuine face to face communication. 

  No C.C. Required. No Obligation. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

That's Why We Created ROCKET Call

The ROCKET Call Powerful, Yet 
Simple To Connect"  IRIS 
Technology Allows You To:

  • Achieve greater connection quickly and easily with anyone without requiring an app download.
  • Build stronger bonds through authentic human engagement.
  • Develop more of the "know, like, and trust" factor through genuine face to face communication. 

Want To Know Why We're So 
Excited About  ROCKET Call? 

See For Yourself...

"I knew how smart and secure this technology was because it was originally designed and created 
for professional industries and 
big business with the absolute highest security demands.
But once I saw we could make the software so simple anyone could use it,, I knew this product was 
going to have a huge demand 
in the market.
One click and you are on a call. 
Hi Tech made for low 
tech people.  
A win-win for everyone!"
-Anthony M.
Rocket Call IT Engineer
"This was something very special from the first time I was invited to be a part of a video conference by my good friend Jeff Larson, the owner of the IRIS software that powers Rocket Call.
It was simply a click on a link from an email I got from the software and I was instantly on the video call. I knew then, that this was going to be the next big thing... And now, with Coach Jeff V. onboard to help us launch our   brand new partner/affiliate plan... It's ready to take off."
-Steve Campbell
Rocket Call Cofounder/
Sales Director
"I was excited to be a part of the Rocket Call project from day one. 
Like most people, I was very impressed by the simplicity and how fast everyone got on our 
first video conference.
I know in this new virtual economy that software like Rocket Call will be used as the 'go to' solution for many businesses and individuals looking for a better, faster, and more secure way to connect 
on a video call." 
-Ryan Parlee
Digital Branding Expert/
Agency Owner/
Rocket Call Consultant

Wanna Get The Full Rocket Call Story?

Want To Know Why 
We're So Excited About 
 ROCKET Call? 

See For Yourself...

"I knew how smart and secure this technology was because it was originally designed and created 
for professional industries and 
big business with the absolute highest security demands.
   But once I saw we could make the software so simple anyone could use it,, I knew this product was 
going to have a huge demand 
in the market.
One click and you are on a call. 
Hi Tech made for low tech people.  
A win-win for everyone!"
-Anthony M.
Rocket Call IT Engineer
"This was something very special from the first time I was invited to be a part of a video conference by my good friend Jeff Larson, the owner of the IRIS software that powers 
Rocket Call.  
It was simply a click on a link from an email I got from the software and I was instantly on the video call. I knew then, that this was going to be the next big thing... And now, with Coach Jeff V. onboard to help us launch our   brand new partner/affiliate plan... 
It's ready to take off."
-Steve Campbell
Rocket Call Cofounder/
Sales Director
"I was excited to be a part of the Rocket Call project from day one. 
Like most people, I was very impressed by the simplicity and 
how fast everyone got on 
our first video conference.  
I know in this new virtual economy that software like Rocket Call will be used as the 'go to' solution for many businesses and individuals looking for a better, faster, and more secure way to connect on a video call." 
-Ryan Parlee
Digital Branding Expert/
Agency Owner/
Rocket Call Consultant

To Get The Full 
Rocket Call Story...

“Communication is your ticket to success, if you pay attention 
and learn to do it effectively.” – Theo Gold

So, Why A Video Call?

Let’s face it — trying to communicate without seeing someone's eyes, facial expressions, body language, and other non-verbal cues 
is like talking to a brick wall.

Researchers have found that how you communicate visually on a video call -- eye contact, facial expressions, body language, hand gestures, and other non verbal cues -- can be far more important than what you say to getting your message across.
That’s Where A "Video Call" Using Rocket Call Comes In...

It's A Fact:  A face-to-face video call is the next best thing to being together in person.
Experts agree that video calls are up to 4 times more effective than just a phone conversation.

Video calls allow you to share meaningful moments in 'real time' with your friends 
and family.  Using Rocket Call improves your  communication and helps you build more... 
and better relationships.  FASTER.

Make Your Work Easier And Save Time 
And Money.

We all know online meetings from home are 
the new way of life for many people in 
the workforce.  
So, if you work remotely - with Rocket Call you can get more done in less time, with less travel, and less expense

Rocket Call is your new instant video conference “secret weapon”- 

Rocket Call allows you to instantly have a secure online meeting with two or more participants in real time -- without having to download an app, find a password, or
deal with all the tech hassles.  

Have a product or service to sell...?

Here's A Fact:  Deals are 127% more likely to close when the video is used during any point in the sales process:

That's Why Rocket Call Is The Secret To Your 
Selling Success And...

-Statistics from Gong.IO

 ROCKET Call Is The Secret To Your Personal, Work, And Business Success  

It's Makes The Difference When Your Communication Is A Top Priority

Video Calls Without Rocket Call

  • App Downloads and Updates Required
  • Confusing Sites and Multiple Links to Navigate
  • ​Unwanted Intruders and Meeting Bombers
  • ​Jump Through 'Tech Hoops' to Host a Call
  • ​Guests Need an Account, App, or Password.
  • ​Sadness and Frustration  

Video Calls With Rocket Call

  • No App or Software Download Required
  • ​Simple and User Friendly Site and Dashboard
  • Only Those With a Private Link Can Join
  • Easily Host a Call From Your Browser 
  • ​Simply Join With a Click From a Text or an Email
  • ​Happiness and Pleasure

Do You Like Feeling The Opposite Of Sadness And Frustation?

Then Sign Up For Rocket Calls FREE Trial Today!

  No C.C. Required. No Obligation. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

“Communication is your ticket to success, if you pay attention 
and learn to do it effectively.” 
– Theo Gold

So, Why A Video Call?

Let’s face it — trying to communicate without seeing someone's eyes, facial expressions, body language, and other non-verbal cues is like talking to a 
brick wall.

Researchers have found that how you communicate visually on a video call -- eye contact, facial expressions, body language, hand gestures, and other non verbal cues -- can be far more important than what you say to getting your message across.
That’s Where A "Video Call" Using Rocket Call Comes In...

It's A Fact:  A face-to-face video call is the next best thing to being together in person.
Experts agree that video calls are up to 4 times more effective than just a phone conversation.

Video calls allow you to share meaningful moments in 'real time' with your friends and family. Using Rocket Call improves your communication 
and helps you build more... 
and better relationships. FASTER.

Make Your Work Easier And Save Time And Money.

We all know online meetings from home are the new way of life for many people in the workforce.  
So, if you work remotely - with Rocket Call you can get more done in less time, with less travel, and 
less expense. 

Rocket Call is your new instant video conference “secret weapon” 

Rocket Call allows you to instantly have a secure online meeting with two or more participants in real time without having to download an app, find a password, or deal with all the tech hassles.  

Have a product or service 
to sell...?

Here's A Fact: Deals are 127% more likely to close when the video is 
used during any point in the 
sales process:

That's Why Rocket Call Is The Secret To Your Selling Success And...

-Statistics from Gong.IO

 ROCKET Call Is The Secret To Your Personal, Work, 
And Business Success  

It's Makes The Difference 
When Your Communication 
Is A Top Priority

Video Calls Without Rocket Call

  • App Downloads and Updates Required
  • Confusing Sites and Multiple Links to Navigate
  • ​Unwanted Intruders and Meeting Bombers
  • ​Jump Through 'Tech Hoops' to Host a Call
  • ​Guests Need an Account, App, or Password.
  • ​Sadness and Frustration  

Video Calls With 
Rocket Call

  • No App or Software Download Required
  • ​Simple and User Friendly Site and Dashboard
  • Only Those With a Private Link Can Join
  • Easily Host a Call From Your Browser 
  • ​Simply Join With a Click From a Text or an Email
  • ​Happiness and Pleasure

Do You Like Feeling The Opposite 
Of Sadness And Frustation?

Then Try Rocket Call
For Free Today!

But That's Not All Rocket Call Does... 

Are you entrepreneurial-minded?...

Whether you already have a business... 
Or, you're thinking about starting a new one online...
Whichever it is for you, here's some great news!

We Are The First Ever Platform That Gives Motivated Entrepreneurs
(and those aspiring to be) EVERYTHING They Need To Win Online 

We Make It Simple To Connect & Simple To Earn

All In One Convenient Spot! 

Rocket Call Software 

Secure Video Calls 

 Rocket Call VIP Pro Plan 

Sharing Program

Rocket Funnel System 

D-F-Y Online
Marketing System

Rocket U Academy 

World Class
Online Courses

Rocket Getaway

 Free Travel

Rocket Bonuses

Cool Bonuses
And Special Offers

But That's Not All 
Rocket Call Does... 

Whether you already have 
a business...
Or, you're thinking about 
starting a new one online...

Whichever it is for you, here's some great news!

We Are The First Ever Video Call Platform That Gives Motivated Entrepreneurs(and those 
aspiring to be) EVERYTHING 
They Need To Win Online 

All In One 
Convenient Spot! 

We Make It Simple To 
Connect & Simple To Earn

Rocket Call Software 

Secure Video Calls 

 Rocket Call VIP Pro Plan 

Sharing Program

Rocket Funnel System 

D-F-Y Online
Marketing System

Rocket U Academy 

World Class
Online Courses

Rocket Getaway

 Free Travel

Rocket Bonuses

Cool Bonuses
And Special Offers

 Need To Know More About What ROCKET Call Can Do For You? 

Grow Your Relationships

Grow Your Relationships...

Grow Your Relationships...

Go above and beyond to 
show that you care

Share special moments instantly with a tap to those you care about the most... 
Capture your passion, warmth, and other nonverbal cues with video.
When you're on the go, a personal Rocket Call helps you stay connected and engaged with anyone - any time - anywhere.

Share special moments instantly with a tap to those you care about the most... 
Capture your passion, warmth, and other nonverbal cues with video. 
A personal Rocket Call helps you stay connected and engaged with 
anyone - anytime, anywhere.

Now everyone can experience personal human connection

Finally, all of the hurdles to connecting on a video call have been eliminated.  
Enjoy seeing the faces and hearing the voices of those who have been waiting to connect with you.  

Finally, all of the hurdles to connecting on a video call have been eliminated.  
Enjoy seeing the faces and hearing the voices of those who have been waiting to connect with you.  

Grow Your Business

Stand out above 
the crowd  

You’re not saying the same thing as everyone else... Why should you                look the same?
Cut through the noise with a Rocket Call video conference or virtual presentation 
to increase engagement and add a 
human touch.

Show 'em, don't just tell 

Don't just tell 'em, show 'em 

Connect and engage with your customers face to face to build authentic relationships.  Your product looks awesome. So let your customers see it in action with a clean, compelling product demo on a Rocket Call.

Now, Can You See Why So Many People Just Like You 

 Love ROCKET Call?

No C.C. Required. No Obligations. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

 Need To Know More About What ROCKET 
Call Can Do For You? 

Grow Your Relationships

Grow Your Relationships...

Grow Your Relationships...

Go above and beyond to 
show that you care

Share special moments instantly with a tap to those you care about the most... 
Capture your passion, warmth, and other nonverbal cues with video.
When you're on the go, a personal Rocket Call helps you stay connected and engaged with anyone - any time - anywhere.

Share special moments instantly 
with a tap to those you care about 
the most... 
Capture your passion, warmth, and other nonverbal cues with video. 
A personal Rocket Call helps you stay connected and engaged with 
anyone - anytime, anywhere.

Now everyone can experience experience personal human connection

Finally, all of the hurdles to connecting on a video call have been eliminated.  
Enjoy seeing the faces and hearing the voices of those who have been waiting to connect with you.  

Finally, all of the hurdles to connecting on a video call 
have been eliminated.  
Enjoy seeing the faces and hearing the voices of those who have been waiting to connect with you.  

Grow Your Business

Stand out above the crowd  

You’re not saying the same thing as everyone else... 
Why should you look the same?
Cut through the noise with a 
Rocket Call video conference or virtualpresentation to increase  
engagement and add a  
human touch.

Show 'em, don't just tell 

Don't just tell 'em, show 'em 

Connect and engage with your customers face to face to build authentic relationships.  Your product looks awesome. So let your customers see it in action with a clean, compelling product demo on a Rocket Call.

Now, Can You See Why So Many People Just Like You 

 Love ROCKET Call?

No C.C. Required. No Obligations. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

Could you be our next Rocket Call VIP PRO?

Rocket Call is dedicated to helping thousands of entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, influencers, and marketers just like you earn 4, 5, and even 6 figures in recurring commissions by next year... or sooner! 

Here's Some Questions 
We Get About ROCKET Call... 

Can A Rocket Call Really Make For More Meaningful Communication?

Definitely! This is Where genuine communication happens

  • Build quality connections
  • Create more authentic engagement
  • Foster deeper relationships
  • Enjoy meaningful face to face communication from anywhere

Can Rocket Call Help To Simplify My Work In A Safe And Secure Setting?

YES! You Get A Secure, One Click Video Call That’s Easy To Start or Join

  • You can be sure of getting a secure, encrypted video call or video conference in an instant everytime.
  • Rocket Call Video Communication- When your time and money matter!
  • Simple One-Touch Video Calls that are safe and secure for everyone.

Can I Use Rocket Call For My Business and In My Marketing?

Absolutely! Rocket Call Can Help You Boost Your Sales and Simplify Your Marketing

  • Optimize your sales and marketing process by creating the ultimate personal video call experience, one on one or in a group setting
  • Come together to connect and engage instantly with co-workers, clients, customers 

Can Rocket Call Help Me To Have Better Relationships In My LIfe?

YES!  You Can Build Your relationships And Grow Closer... Faster!

  • Times have certainly changed. But now you can stay better connected to your favorite people  
  • A great way to grow your existing relationships and  create new ones
  • It’s so effective that, according to one survey, 98 percent of respondents said that use of video calls helped build more positive relationships

Here's A Few More FAQ's 

Do I have to pay for new features and updates?
No! Because Rocket Call is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they all automatically show up in your account for FREE!
Is Rocket Call secure?
Yes. Your security is our top priority, and Rocket Call was built with from the ground up with end-to-end encryption to make sure all your video calls and virtual meetings are safe, private, and secure.  And, unlike other platforms that create 'open links' anyone can access, the Rocket Call software generates and sends each guest their own custom and secure 'one-click' link via text or email.  
What devices can be used for a Rocket Call?
You can host or join a Rocket Call virtual meeting instantly while sitting at your desk (or while on-the-run), from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.  
Do I have to download or install anything?
No! One of the best things about the Rocket Call platform is that it's web-based, so neither you or your guests will ever have to download an app or install any software from us.   
Do my guests need an account to join a call?
No! It's totally FREE for anyone to join a Rocket Call.  We want EVERYONE to be able to quickly and easily join a Rocket Call, so we DO NOT require guests to have an account to join your video call or virtual meeting.   
What if Rocket Call is not for me?
 If you are not thrilled with the Rocket Call solutions, you can cancel at anytime.  That said, of course we hope you stay a part of the Rocket Call family for years to come.  

No C.C. Required. No Obligations. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

Here's A Few Questions We 
Get About ROCKET Call... 

Can A Rocket Call Really Make For More Meaningful Communication?

Definitely! This is Where genuine communication happens

  • Build quality connections
  • Create more authentic engagement
  • Foster deeper relationships
  • Enjoy meaningful face to face communication from anywhere

Can Rocket Call Help To Simplify My Work In A Safe And Secure Setting?

YES! You Get A Secure, One Click Video Call That’s Easy To Start 
And Join

  • You can be sure of getting a secure, encrypted video call or video conference in an instant everytime.
  • Rocket Call Video Communication- When your time and money matter!
  • Simple One-Touch Video Calls that are safe and secure for everyone.

Can I Use Rocket Call For My 
Business and In My Marketing?

Absolutely! Rocket Call Can Help 
You Boost Your Sales and Simplify Your Marketing

  • Optimize your sales and marketing process by creating the ultimate personal video call experience, one on one or in a group setting
  • Come together to connect and engage instantly with co-workers, clients, customers 

Can Rocket Call Help Me To Have Better Relationships In My LIfe?

YES!  You Can Build Your relationships And Grow Closer... Faster!

  • Times have certainly changed. But now you can stay better connected to your favorite people  
  • A great way to grow your existing relationships and  create new ones
  • It’s so effective that, according to one survey, 98 percent of respondents said that use of video calls helped build more positive relationships

Here's A Few More FAQ's 

Do I have to pay for new features and updates?
No! Because Rocket Call is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they all automatically show up in your account for FREE!
Is Rocket Call secure?
Yes. Your security is our top priority, and Rocket Call was built with from the ground up with end-to-end encryption to make sure all your video calls and virtual meetings are safe, private, and secure.  And, unlike other platforms that create 'open links' anyone can access, the Rocket Call software generates and sends each guest their own custom and secure 'one-click' link via text or email.  
What devices can be used for a Rocket Call?
You can host or join a Rocket Call virtual meeting instantly while sitting at your desk (or while on-the-run), from your computer, tablet, 
or smartphone.  
Do I have to download or install anything?
No! One of the best things about the Rocket Call platform is that it's web-based, so neither you or your guests will ever have to download an app or install any software from us.  
Do my guests need an account to join a call?
No! We want EVERYONE to be able to quickly and easily join a Rocket Call, so we DO NOT require guests to have an account to join your video call or virtual meeting.   
What if Rocket Call is not for me?
 If you are not thrilled with the Rocket Call solutions, you can cancel at anytime.  That said, of course we hope you stay a part of the Rocket Call family for years to come.  

No C.C. Required. No Obligations. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

Could you be our next Rocket Call VIP PRO?

Rocket Call is dedicated to helping thousands of entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, influencers, and marketers just like you earn 4, 5, and even 6 figures in recurring commissions by next year... or sooner! 

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J.J.S. Communications LLC
DBA Rocket Call Software Solutions, 
A Simple To Connect Product, Powered By IRIS
All Rights Reserved © 2020-2022 
Address: 130 E 3rd St
Des Moines, IA 50309

J.J.S. Communications LLC, A Simple To Connect Product, Powered By IRIS
All Rights Reserved © 2020-2022 
Address: 130 E 3rd St
Des Moines, IA 50309

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