About / Company Origin Story

Helping People Communicate 
Better With An Instant Video Call, 
Plus A Whole Lot More.

Cofounders:  Coach Jeff Vaage, Jeff Larson, and Steve Campbell

The Origin Story of Rocket Call (Short Version)

The idea for a faster and simpler secure video call was born in 2020 when the frustration, time, and tech hurdles required for people to connect on a video call just became too much to handle.  Founder Jeff Larson decided to purchase a next-generation video conferencing software and form a team of experts to create a "simple to connect" solution.  The plan was to offer the platform to a variety of industries that require the highest standards of security paired with a user-friendly interface making for the fastest and most secure video call experience on the planet.
But that's just half the story...  You see, Jeff's Father, who lived hundreds of miles away, was ill and approaching the end of his life.  Jeff desperately wanted to see and talk to his father and mother more often than his in-person visits would allow.  His parents being 
non-technical needed an easier way to connect by video.  Jeff said later, "After using my new software to see Dad's face and even the tears in his eyes made me realize I 
could help so many others who are low-tech by sharing my platform with the public."
Jeff's epiphany to expand the use of his new software beyond its' high-level industry use 
was the inspiration behind Rocket Call.  He reached out to his good friend and fellow entrepreneur, Steve Campbell and asked for his ideas on opening up the platform 
to the masses.  

 That's when things got really interesting. Steve quickly reached out to his digital marketing, coaching, and funnel geek friend, Jeff Vaage.  And, long story short, together with a team of experts, they mapped out a dream software package combined with the ultimate partner program, asking questions like, “Is this something simple enough that anyone can use it regardless of the device they have?”  And, "What if we came up with an easier, more generous, and better way to let our affiliate partners share in company revenues for helping us grow Rocket Call faster instead of spending a fortune using 
an expensive ad agency?"
Then, we all went to work...

The software engineers built out the Rocket Call platform in the months to follow and Coach Jeff, Steve, Chad, and Ryan crafted the marketing infrastructure and integrations with our trusted partners to create the first ever simple to earn partner program using a membership-based business model.  Some would call this a dream team made in heaven, but we believe that when a few people with faith, great minds, and hearts to serve come together there's nothing that cannot be achieved.

My Rocket Call Story (Coach Jeff)

My Rocket Call Story From The Desk of Jeff Vaage:
Rocket Call Cofounder, CMO, and 'self-proclaimed' Chief 
Funnel Builder

To help you to better understand why we are all so excited and passionate about Rocket Call, let me tell you a story about my very first video call using this new technology, and why it has become my personal mission to share it with everyone. 

"It was early February of 2021 and me, my wife, and our dog Winnie had just arrived at our rental beach house in Alabama for a much needed mental and emotional getaway when I got a strange call from my pal, Steve Campbell.  

He wanted to see if I had a minute to help him with a new project he was working on by hopping on a quick video call.  He was testing out a new video conferencing software called IRIS for his good friend Jeff Larson, who had recently purchased the software.  

He said one of the software's current platforms was developed and was already in use in the insurance, human resources, and healthcare industries among others that demanded enterprise-grade security, and hippa compliance.  

Now here's the thing, even though Steve was a great friend, at that time I was NOT interested in hearing about anything, let alone a new techie project because I was in a lot of emotional pain as I was still reeling and struggling to try and deal with the "complicated grief" from caring for my parents, and then losing my beautiful Mom to the cruel and wicked Alzheimers Disease just a few months earlier. 

Add to that, my Dad's worsening dementia and depression, coupled 
with the tragic loss of my hero, big brother, and only sibling Pastor Bob, just a few years earlier was making even getting out of bed each day a major challenge!

Keep scrolling to read the rest of the story...

...I still remember putting my laptop away for over six months starting in the Spring of 2020 and giving up a lucrative freelance mobile marketing director position. I also had to cut back on my tennis coaching duties that season because I had to constantly travel back and forth, mostly living out of my camper in a nearby campground, so I could care for and help my parents during the height of the pandemic.
Here's how it all started... We got a phone call from Dad in early 2020. He was frantic and worried about my Mom because she did not want to eat, or drink, and didn't feel like getting out of bed. 

So my wife quickly arranged for a doctors appointment for her at a clinic near their home for that afternoon. We then confirmed the details with Dad by phone before leaving and he agreed to help her get ready to go by the time we arrived.  

We quickly packed a bag and flew out the door to make the two-hour drive to get to my folks home in time to take them both to Mom's appointment. You see, we knew we needed to be there along with my Dad to talk to the doctor because we had been noticing signs of dementia for years, but sadly, Dad was still in denial and would not talk about it.   

We finally arrived after what seemed like an eternity as we drove in the pouring rain during the entire trip. 
We raced in to check on Mom and we were surprised to see her awake and sitting by Dad contently watching T.V. and drinking 
a cup of coffee. She told us she was feeling fine and she was wondering why we were there.   

We had to remind her that Dad was concerned about her not getting out of bed so he called us to make a doctor's appointment for her. We explained that it was time to go and that she should put on her jacket because of the rain.

You won't believe what happened next...

Out of the blue, my normally friendly Dad just blew up and started yelling at us. He shouted, "Mom was fine now and she didn't need to see a doctor, and besides there was no way she was going to a hospital and "catch that disease!" I had NEVER seen Dad 
act like this...
We were shocked by his behavior because only two hours earlier he was desperate for our help and when we called to confirm we were able to get an appointment with a doctor, he assured us he would have her up and ready by the time we got there.

But now things had really changed...

My usually appreciative and loving Dad was getting more and more enraged even as we tried to calmly reason with him and remind him that he had called us, insisting that we make a doctor's appointment for Mom.  

But it was hopeless, no matter what we said, he just kept getting angrier with us which caused Mom to get very upset. She started crying as he continued to scream at us to leave and go back home insisting he would not allow her to leave the house because of his fear of Covid. 

It was at that moment that I realized we were all in for the most difficult and gut-wrenching challenge of our lives... And, one that every child dreads...

Defeated and drained from arguing with my Dad on Mom's behalf. I left the room in frustration, grabbed my phone, and called the doctor's office to cancel the appointment.  

The kind and understanding nurse suggested she talk to my Dad on the speaker phone and explain that they do everything possible to keep patients safe during their appointments. It was to no avail... 
That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks!
You see, in one of my previous digital marketing freelance gigs, I built an online marketing funnel for a telehealth company where I learned a lot about the technology.  

So I asked the nurse if they were set up to do telehealth video calls with their patients. She said that they were, and asked us if we would like to do one in place of the office visit? Thankfully, everyone agreed that it was a good idea... including my Dad!
After the nurse gave me the instructions, I pulled out my laptop to prepare for the call. We waited for an email to arrive at the designated time- that turned out to be late, then after jumping through some tech hoops, the doctor finally appeared on the screen.

But then there was another problem. We couldn't hear what he was saying. So I quickly scrambled to check my settings and test my volume and the speakers. Nothing worked. Eventually, we ended up using the computer the for video and my phone for the audio.

What happened next still haunts me to this day because during that video call our worst fears were realized. We all sat and witnessed my brilliant Mother struggle with every question as her doctor gently administered the MMSE(Mini Mental Status Exam).

Afterward, the doctor visited with me privately on the phone to tell me he wanted to see Mom in person as soon as possible because he believed her Dementia could be a result of Alzheimer's Disease. He wanted to be sure and suggested more testing so she could get help as soon as possible... And because he wanted our family to be prepared for what was to come.  

Now you might be wondering, "So why is this important for me to know?... And what does it have to do with Rocket Call?

And that's a fair question...
You see, as I told you earlier when Steve first called to ask for my help, I felt sure I would NOT be interested 
in building online marketing funnels for any new projects.   

However, the message came just as I was starting out for a beach walk with Winnie and I decided it might do me some good to see a friendly face from back home. So, I texted him back and said, "Sure, what 
the heck, let's do it.'" Besides, I figured I could use a mental distraction, plus Steve was a good 
and trusted friend.

Now, I have to tell you I was not expecting what happened next...

I was completely blown away...

Because within seconds, I received an invite text and with a single click I was able to instantly join the video call. It was super clear and we actually had a blast chatting as I shared the sites and sounds of the sunny beach and crashing waves from the Gulf of Mexico with him.  

It was kinda funny because he was watching me walk the warm, sunny beach while I could see he was suffering back in Iowa in the ice, freezing temps, and falling snow.  

Then what happened next changed the direction of my life forever...
You see, it was during that first video call with Steve, when I was at rock bottom and was still feeling overwhelmed with grief and despair, that he invited me to be a part of a talented team of experts to help launch a new version of the IRIS platform to the general public. He said they wanted me to help build the branding and marketing infrastructure for a brand new version of the software.

Even today it still seems like a dream, I remember instantly getting my excitement back about life and I could feel that small inner fire start to burn within me again. I knew that a video call this simple, this secure, and this fast could be used to help anyone from a sophisticated user with high security needs to a low-tech user that had never even been on a video call before... and everyone in between.    

And even though at the time it was too late to use this technology to visit with my Mom, I knew I could now easily stay in touch face-to-face with my Dad using cell phones from anywhere.  

So, right now you might be wondering to yourself, "Sure, that sounds good for you but what does this mean for me?"...

That's a great question, and so here's something that I know you will definitely want to know about before the we release this to the rest of the public...

It was only a matter of days before we came up with an idea to market and launch this new video conferencing software, that at first seemed outrageous and almost impossible. But we knew none of the other video call companies were doing it- which meant we would have no competition.

And for you... it means this is an online opportunity of a lifetime for you!

And here's more great news for you... After more than a year of planning, designing, and building it- Our concept and our vision has become a reality...

We call it the Rocket Call VIP Pro Partner Plan. It's our all-in-one platform thats... Done-For-You. It's so powerful, yet simple that it has the potential to elevate your business(or help you launch a new one), boost your income... And even improve your life.

And, here's what's key for you to know right now- There's more to this story... much more! 
And the great news is it really IS all about you, and how you can finally have a chance to be a part of history with this brand new opportunity and a movement where nobody gets left behind... GUARANTEED! 

That's why we would love for you to get the rest of the Rocket Call Story right now as you check out this site, and in the short videos I recorded for you. 
Thanks for reading my story and we hope you enjoy learning more about Rocket Call."

I look forward to seeing you on the inside!

- Coach Jeff

About / Company Origin Story

Helping People 
Communicate Better With 
An Instant Video Call + 
A Whole Lot More

The Origin Story of Rocket Call 
(Short Version)

The idea for a faster and simpler 
secure video call was born in 2020 when the frustration, time, and tech hurdles required for people to connect on a video call just became too 
much to handle.  

Founder Jeff Larson decided to purchase a next-generation video conferencing software and form a 
team of experts to create a "simple 
to connect" solution.  The plan was 
to offer the platform to a variety of industries that require the highest standards of security paired with a user-friendly interface making for the fastest and most secure video call experience on the planet.
But that's just half the story...  
You see, Jeff's Father, who lived hundreds of miles away, was ill and approaching the end of his life.  
Jeff desperately wanted to see and 
talk to his father and mother more 
often than his in-person visits 
would allow.  

His parents being 
non-technical needed an easier way 
to connect by video. Jeff said later, "After using my new software to see Dad's face and even the tears in his eyes made me realize I could help so many others who are low-tech by sharing my platform with the public."
Jeff's epiphany to expand the use of his new software beyond its' high-level industry use was the inspiration behind Rocket Call. He reached out to his good friend and fellow entrepreneur, Steve Campbell and asked for his ideas on opening 
 up the platform to the masses.  

 That's when things got really interesting. Steve quickly reached out to his digital marketing, coaching, and funnel geek friend, Jeff Vaage.  And, long story short, together with a team of experts, they mapped out a dream software package combined with 
the ultimate partner program, asking questions like, “Is this something simple enough that anyone can use it regardless of the 
device they have?" 
And "What if we came 
up with an easier, more generous, and better way to let our affiliate partners share in company revenues for helping us grow Rocket Call faster instead of spending a fortune using 
an expensive ad agency?"
Then, we all went to work...

The software engineers built out the Rocket Call platform in the months to follow and Coach Jeff, Steve, Chad, and Ryan crafted the marketing infrastructure and integrations with our trusted partners to create the first ever simple to earn partner program using a subscription-based business model.  Some would call this a dream team made in heaven, but we believe that when a few people with faith, great minds, and hearts to serve come together there's nothing that cannot be achieved.

My Rocket Call Story 

From The Desk of Jeff Vaage:
Rocket Call Cofounder, CMO, and 
 'self-proclaimed' Chief Funnel Builder

To help you understand why we are 
all so excited and passionate about Rocket Call, let me tell you a story 
about my very first video call using 
this new technology, and why it has become my personal mission to 
share it with everyone. 

"It was early February of 2021 and me, my wife, and our dog Winnie had just arrived 
at our rental beach house in Alabama for 
a much needed mental and emotional getaway when I got a strange call from 
my pal, Steve Campbell.  

He wanted to see if I had a minute to hop on a video call and discuss a new project he was working on. You see, he was testing out a new video conferencing software called IRIS for his good friend Jeff Larson, who had recently purchased the software. 

Now here's the thing, even though Steve was a great friend, at that time I was NOT interested in hearing about anything, let alone a new tech project.  I was in a lot of emotional pain as I was still reeling and struggling to try and deal with the "complicated grief" from caring for my parents, and then losing my beautiful 
Mom to the cruel and wicked Alzheimers 
Disease just a few months earlier.  

Add to that, my Dad's worsening 
dementia and depression, coupled 
with the tragic loss of my hero, big brother, and only sibling Pastor Bob, just a few 
years earlier was making even getting out 
of bed each day a major challenge!

Scroll To Get The Rest of The Story...

...I still remember putting my laptop away for over six months starting in the Spring 
of 2020 and giving up a lucrative freelance mobile marketing director position. I also had to cut back on my tennis coaching duties that season because I had to constantly travel back and forth, working feverishly, mostly living out of my camper 
in a nearby campground so I could care 
for and help my parents during the height 
of the pandemic.
Here's how it all started... We got a 
phone call from Dad in early 2020. He was frantic and worried about my Mom because she did not want to eat, or drink, and didn't feel like getting out of bed. 

So my wife quickly arranged for a doctors appointment for her at a clinic near their home for that afternoon. We then confirmed the details with Dad by phone before leaving and he agreed to help her get ready to go by the time we arrived.  

We quickly packed a bag and flew out the door to make the two-hour drive to get to my folks home in time to take them both to Mom's appointment. You see, we knew we needed to be there along with my Dad to talk to the doctor because we had been noticing signs of dementia for years, but sadly, Dad was still in denial and would not talk about it.   

We finally arrived after what seemed like an eternity as we drove in the pouring rain during the entire trip. 
We raced in to check on Mom and we were surprised to see her awake and sitting by Dad contently watching T.V. and drinking a cup of coffee. She told us she was feeling fine and she was wondering 
why we were there.   

We had to remind her that Dad was concerned about her not getting out of bed so he called us to make a doctor's appointment for her. We explained that it was time to go and that she should put on her jacket because of the rain.

You won't believe what happened next...

Out of the blue, my normally friendly Dad just blew up and started yelling at us. He shouted, "Mom was fine now and she didn't need to see a doctor, and besides there was no way she was going to a hospital 
and "catch that disease!" I had NEVER seen Dad act like this...
We were shocked by his behavior because only two hours earlier he was desperate for our help and when we called to confirm we were able to get an appointment with a doctor, he assured us he would have her up and ready by the time we got there.

But now things had really changed...

My usually friendly and loving Dad was getting more and more enraged even as we tried to calmly reason with him and remind him that he had called us, insisting that we make a doctor's appointment for Mom.  

But it was hopeless, no matter what we said, he just kept getting angrier with us which caused Mom to get very upset. She started crying as he continued to scream at us to leave and go back home and insisted he would not allow her to leave the house because of his irrational fear of Covid. 

It was at that moment that I realized we were all in for the most difficult and gut-wrenching challenge of our lives... And, one that every child dreads...

Defeated and drained from arguing with my Dad on Mom's behalf. I left the room in frustration, grabbed my phone, and called the doctor's office to cancel the appointment.  

The kind and understanding nurse suggested she talk to my Dad on the speaker phone and explain that they do everything possible to keep patients safe during their appointments. It was to no avail... 
That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks!
You see, in one of my previous digital marketing freelance gigs, I built an online marketing funnel for a telehealth company where I learned a lot about the technology.  

So I asked the nurse if they were set up to do telehealth video calls with their patients. She said that they were, and asked us if we would like to do one in place of the office visit? Thankfully, everyone agreed that it was a good idea... including my Dad!
After the nurse gave me the instructions, I pulled out my laptop to prepare for the call. We waited for an email to arrive at the designated time- that turned out to be late, then after jumping through some tech hoops, the doctor finally appeared on the screen.

But then there was another problem. We couldn't hear what he was saying. So I quickly scrambled to check my settings and test my volume and the speakers. Nothing worked. Eventually, we ended up using the computer the for video and my phone for the audio.

What happened next still haunts me to this day because during that video call our worst fears were realized. We all sat and witnessed my brilliant Mother struggle with every question as her doctor gently administered the MMSE(Mini Mental 
Status Exam).

Afterward, the doctor visited with me privately on the phone to tell me he wanted to see Mom in person as soon as possible because he believed her Dementia could be a result of Alzheimer's Disease. He wanted to be sure and suggested more testing so she could get help as soon as possible... And because he wanted our family to be prepared for what was to come.  

Now you might be wondering, "So why is this important for me to know?... And 
what does it have to do with Rocket Call?

And that's a fair question...
You see, as I told you earlier when Steve 
first called to ask for my help, I felt sure I would NOT be interested in any new projects or building any new online funnels.  

However, the message came just as I was starting out for a beach walk with Winnie and I decided it might do me some good to see a friendly face from back home. So, I texted him back and said, "Sure, what 
the heck, let's do it.'" Besides, I figured I could use a mental distraction, plus Steve was a good and trusted friend.
Now, I have to tell you I was not expecting what happened next...

I was completely blown away...

Because within seconds, I received an invite text and with a single click I was able to instantly join the video call. It was super clear and we actually had a blast chatting as I shared the sites and sounds of the sunny beach and crashing waves from the Gulf of Mexico with him.  

It was kinda funny because he was watching me walk the warm, sunny beach while I could see he was suffering back in Iowa in the ice, freezing temps, and falling snow.  

Then what happened next changed the direction of my life forever...
You see, it was during that first video call with Steve, when I was at rock bottom and was still feeling overwhelmed with grief and despair, that he invited me to be a part of a talented team of experts to help launch a new version of the IRIS platform to the general public. He said they wanted me to help build the branding and marketing infrastructure for a brand new version of 
the software.

Even today it still seems like a dream, I remember instantly getting my excitement back about life and I could feel that small inner fire start to burn within me again. I knew that a video call this simple, this secure, and this fast could be used to help anyone from a sophisticated user with high security needs to a low-tech user that had never even been on a video call before... and everyone in between.    

And even though at the time it was too late to use this technology to visit with my Mom, I knew I could now easily stay in touch face-to-face with my Dad using cell phones from anywhere.  

So, right now you might be wondering to yourself, "Sure, that sounds good for you but what does this mean for me?"...

That's a great question, and so here's something that I know you will definitely want to know about before the we release this to the rest of the public...

It was only a matter of days before we came up with an idea to market and launch this new video conferencing software, that at first seemed outrageous and almost impossible. But we knew none of the other video call companies were doing it- which meant we would have no competition.

And for you... it means this is an online opportunity of a lifetime for you!

And here's more great news for you... After more than a year of planning, designing, and building it- Our concept and our vision has become a reality...

We call it the Rocket Call VIP Pro Partner Plan. It's our all-in-one platform thats... Done-For-You.  It's so powerful, yet simple that it has the potential to elevate your business(or help you launch a new one), boost your income... And even improve your life.

And, here's what's key for you to know right now- There's more to this story... much more! 
And the great news is it really IS all about you, and how you can finally have a chance to be a part of history with this brand new opportunity and a movement where nobody gets left behind... GUARANTEED! 

That's why we would love for you to get the rest of the Rocket Call Story right now as you check out this site, and in the short videos I recorded for you. 
Thanks for reading my story and we hope you enjoy learning more about Rocket Call."

I look forward to seeing you on the inside!

- Coach Jeff

A Message From President 
and Co-founder, Jeff Larson

Co-founder Jeff celebrating his 60th birthday with 
the Rocket Call Team, his Wife, and Mom

 The Rocket Call Team Planning The Beta Prelaunch

Des Moines, Iowa
Rocket Call Headquarters

"Everyone knows we live in a digital world now. And we believe no one should get left behind when it comes to connecting on a video call or virtual conference.
Our goal is to break down the tech barriers so that everyone can get into the game and enjoy a more personal and productive way to communicate for personal, work, and business reasons. 

That's why Rocket Call was designed and engineered from the ground up to be 100% secure and super simple for anyone to use no matter how low-tech you might think you are. 

We are NOT another "big tech" corporation (and we don't want to be.)  We're a debt-free, locally owned, locally operated, and trusted American company 
located here in the heartland.  

We value your privacy every day and want you to enjoy the best, most secure, and fastest video call on the planet.   

So, on behalf of co-founders Steve Campbell, Coach Jeff Vaage, and our entire team at Rocket Call, I want to thank you for visiting our site and considering Rocket Call for your video communication needs." 

- Jeff Larson 
(Rocket Call President / Co-founder)

P.S. For or a limited time, we are offering you a unique opportunity to lock arms with us by becoming a Rocket Call Ambassador. Just sign up for the VIP Pro Plan so you can share in company revenues by 
simply helping us spread the the good news about Rocket Call! 
Get all the details below...

A Message From President 
and Co-founder, Jeff Larson

Co-founder Jeff L. celebrating his 60th birthday with the Rocket Call Team, 
his Wife, and Mom

 The Rocket Call Team Planning The Beta Prelaunch

Des Moines, Iowa
Rocket Call Headquarters

"Everyone knows we live in a digital world now. And we believe no one should get left behind when it comes to connecting on a video call or virtual conference.
Our goal is to break down the tech barriers so that everyone can get into the game and enjoy a more personal and productive way to communicate for personal, work, and business reasons. 

That's why Rocket Call was designed and engineered from the ground up to be 100% secure and super simple for anyone to use no matter how low-tech you might think you are. 

We are NOT another "big tech" corporation (and we don't want to be.)  We're a debt-free, locally owned, locally operated, and trusted American company 
located here in the heartland.  

We value your privacy every day and want you to enjoy the best, most secure, and fastest video call on the planet.   

So, on behalf of co-founders Steve Campbell, Coach Jeff Vaage, and our entire team at Rocket Call, I want to thank you for visiting our site and considering Rocket Call for your video communication needs." 

- Jeff Larson 
(Rocket Call President / Co-founder)

P.S. For or a limited time, we are offering you a unique opportunity to lock arms with us by becoming a Rocket Call Ambassador. Just sign up for the VIP Pro Plan so you can share in company revenues by 
simply helping us spread the the good news about Rocket Call! 
Get all the details below...

Rocket Call Gives You Everything You Need To Create Recurring Revenue Starting Today  

Designed To Make Your Business More Successful (Or Help You Start 
A New One Online)... In Minutes!

Rocket Call's VIP Pro Plan is the easiest, 
"all-in-one", solution to add passive income 
to your existing business... Or to start a new 
one from scratch.
Finally, there's a way for you to grow any business faster... AND, create a new monthly recurring income stream at the same time. 
It's A Fact: There is not a business that could not benefit from:

  • More Leads
  • More Sales
  • ​More Customers
  • More Recurring Revenue
  • ​More Team Members
  • ​...The List Goes On :)

We've Made The System So Simple Anyone Can Use It...
It's Prebuilt - So It's "Done-For-You"

It's very easy to get signed up for the Rocket Call VIP Pro Plan right now... When you do, we make the process as simple 
as possible. 

So, no matter what your business, your objective, or how soon you want to achieve your income goals...
We've given you a simple and straight-line path 
to success. 

No Obligations. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

Rocket Call Gives You Everything You Need To Create Recurring Revenue Starting Today  

Designed To Make Your Business More Successful (Or Help You Start 
A New One Online)... In Minutes!

Rocket Call's VIP Pro Plan is the easiest, 
"all-in-one", solution to add passive income 
to your existing business... Or to start a new 
one from scratch.
Finally, there's a way for you to grow any business faster... AND, create a new monthly recurring income stream at the same time. 
It's A Fact: There is not a business that could not benefit from:

  • More Leads
  • More Sales
  • ​More Customers
  • More Recurring Revenue
  • ​More Team Members
  • ​...The List Goes On :)

We've Made The System So Simple Anyone Can Use It...
It's Prebuilt - So It's "Done-For-You"

It's very easy to get signed up for the Rocket Call VIP Pro Plan right now... 
When you do, we make the process as simple as possible. 

So, no matter what your business, your objective, or how soon you want to achieve your income goals...
We've given you a simple and straight-line path to success. 

No Obligations. No Contracts. 
Cancel Anytime. 100% Risk Free.

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